The Aldek Quest will be a series of comics with a continuous storyline, set in Kamika, of course. I plan to hold off in releasing them until I have enough done so that I can release each saga like a season of a tv show, one issue a week, with breaks only between sagas. 

To do that, I’m hard at work creating The Aldek Quest’s issues in between making the Kamika Specials, to make sure you guys don’t have to wait too long for more content. The downside is that the progress of TAQ ends up being slower.

Anyway, I thought it’d be cool to let you guys stay updated on the progress so here it is:

TAQ Progress bar

3.50% of 100%

My current estimates indicate that it will take until at least the year of 2030 before I reach the necessary completion to start releasing TAQ.

I might be able to do it faster if I have enough money coming in here to hire more artists, or it might take longer if I’m not making enough and need to get another job.

Here’s hoping!