Here at Kamika Comics you’ll eventually find webcomics about the weird, goofy, serious, funny, epic, creepy, logical, cute, highly adjectivable, hopefully witty, if not a little too self-referential, World of Kamika.

There will be a main story, entitled The Aldek Quest, and an anthology series type thing, entitled Kamika Specials. The Specials will be released acording to the announced schedule, near 1 every two months, while the issues of TAQ will be divided in sagas. Once I’ve finished making a saga, I’ll release each issue weekly.

The first issues of Aldek Quest are yet to come, as I’ve encountered some issues myself, but don’t worry, they are coming. The first Kamika Special is already out, and there are also some adicional content already in the website. In the meantime, if you’d like to be kept updated with any progress and upcoming events, join our discord server, and if you see some of my art, follow me on Instagram. I also have a patreon page, in case you feel like supporting me there. Here are all the links:

Bellow is the link to 2022’s release schedule, and If you have any further questions, visit our FAQ page:

This website and its lacking content are the fault and proud accomplishment of:


AKA  Augusto Serpe


Creator, writter, illustrator and storyteller.

“I made some stuff”